Thursday, March 14, 2013


A guy told me to sit inside and suggested things, that iI shouldn't go up to Ginny and that me almost breaking my ankle hurt her.
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Late Ride

My ride will be here 30 to 45 minutes late.

No bathroom. They had come early, mischeduled my ride. I have on tight gym shorts. I will probably **** you all for keeping me from relaxing.
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I was in the bathroom, and this black worker thought I wasn't white and that was what mattered, getting more Ellen 1 cares what she feels, let's just all like k**** -her- out. You're gonna hurt my teacher for being nice, no 1 cares you worthless Orlando niggers.
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I replied the girl I'm meeting.
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Your Grandchildren
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The Voice of the Children

Does anyone know about wanting to hear the sound of the voice of your children?
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Classical music reminds you of bizarre museums.
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Fish Bulb - Bulb Fish

I just thought of a dancing bulb singing the fish song.
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Girls With Dads From Kentucky

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Classical Outbreakings

Kids with young dads honk(-fart) classical outbreakings.
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To Others Aren't

I won't listen that kids with a Late Boom mom are priority bc to others aren't.

The 80's were free and aquatic and probably oceanic.
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The cars, going by...

Look like little lights at Christmas.
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It's so cold.

For the 1st time, I'm wearing my medium coat and my puffy, white coat with a like plastic snap buckle. My jands weren't too cold but have gloves.
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